Monday, March 24, 2008

Jim has risen, or

At least he is hung.

I unpacked all of Jim's art that arrived from a Tennessee gallery and hung it on the walls of
The Pink House Gallery.

The famous Jim Frederick cowboy boots.

Some newer work that explores a deeper side of Jim. I had seen most of these in photos when he had his gallery show in Atlanta, and did an art talk that I was able to watch via a internet feed copy that he had.

This is one piece that I had not seen. The photo does not do the subtle layers of color justice.

It feels good to have Jim's work hanging - such a good feeling is being spread around the pink house.

More work to create... other artist to work with... and a reminder to Jim, Steve, Seth - just do it!

Copyright 2008 William H Miller & Jim Frederick All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Tour Gallery ObSu

Happy Easter

Here are the flowers that Mom & Dad sent me for Easter, along with a nice box of chocolates.

I created this image from the image of the flowers. Something spiritual eminates from it.

Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

Spring Is Here

These are two images I created from a quick snapshot of a bluejay that was on the fence through that I observed through the windsheild of my auto.
It signals that spring is here.

Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 16, 2008


This is a piece that I created from some previously created art. Pushing and returning to the art.

Soon to be seen in virtual world art gallery.

Get your Linden's ready

Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

My 2nd Life

This is a snapshot of my friend in second life showing me the area (2nd Floor) where I will have my gallery of my art. The large picture you see if a snapshot of my avatar "Whim Walter" as the featured artist of the gallery yet to be named.

I am excited to see where this goes.

Copyright 2008 William H Miller & Whim Walker All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 10, 2008


What is means to be an artist? I need to think on that....

Sunday, March 09, 2008

AIDS WALK 2008 Houston

I participated in the AIDS WALK 2008 Houston today. It was a great day with clear blue sky and slight chill in the air. Thousands walked th 5K but most importantly walked and raised awareness and funds for AIDS organizations in the community. Over 750,000 dollars was raised. I was happy, given I decided the night before the walk, that I was able to meet my fundraising goal. Thank you to all of you who supported me and this cause.

After the walk I headed with artist friend, Deborah and new friend, Sharon to breakfast at Teotihuacan. Surprizingly enough, I had been there on Saturday with friend, Gretchen, to celebrate her friend Don's birthday. They have the best pork sausage patties!

This was a photo I took on the way to breakfast as we drove through a tunnel underpass. So as you can see there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

Thursday, March 06, 2008


I realized that others not listed by skartz can not see the art that is posted there, so for the avid whimblog readers here are the pieces:
I created this piece today while I watched TV (Project Runway Finale to be specific) -- I think this piece is "Fierce" I created it using photoshop and canvas painter from this original photo from a cruise that my parents were on. Inspiration can come in many forms. This was mine today.
They got snow in Dallas today!
Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

transblog crossing

I created this piece tonight from some other work. This piece is reworked from work that I had completed earlier. You can view other versions in this blog Skartz --- consider it a transblog crossing!

this piece reminds me of several things -a little bot of cubism, some futurism, and expressionism thrown in - not to mention digitalism (a new term I just made up - wonder if it is already on wikipedia ? yes it is... darn.)

Monday, March 03, 2008

June 11, 2006 & NOW!


Sometimes you do not know what it is until it hits you.

It started out as a stressful night with little sleep and a tiring day. On top of things the last thing I really wanted to do was another conference call even with my artist friends across the US, Canada and UK.

I got home turned on the television and it froze digitally - for some unknown reason - I grabbed my camera and took this shot. lots of information, digital bytes of color, an abstract, beauty, and more...
I did not think much of it.

During this time Oprah was on talking about her Book Club - and the first ever - Internet Class that was free tonight and for the next 10 weeks over the internet across the world. Still not much registering...just listening.

I ate some dinner. I got ready for my call. I listened. We do a meditation at the beginning of the call, we breathe, we try to be present.

The call continues on... I start to randomly draw doodles and take notes. During the call we talk about many things.... one thing that hit me... was "focus on returning to the work". So the call ends I have this page of doodles, and I go to my computer and the screen is up for the Oprah Class room... it's ticking off the seconds until you can join... I sit.. I watch... I click and now I am watching an intro until the real class starts in 30 minutes.

I remember that I have this book. My friend, Cheryl, suggested I read it... I was even at the bookstore with her when she encouraged me to buy it and read it. It still had it's sale reciept in it June 11, 2006. Almost 2 years ago - why have I never bothered to read it? Why until now did it just sit on my shelf - pristine and new?

I listen to the intro, I page through the beginning of the book... I become hooked. Some of the very things that we talked about in the early class are being revealed. An ah ha moment. Some of the words that come through are:

"Discover the power within you", "Be more than do", "Get rid of the repeatitive thoughts in your head. Find the stillness. Find the space in the stillness. Out of the stillness, something wants to come, a strong impluse will come, a knowing and you will have no doubt about it." - "Honor this space" "Take time every day to seek this space and be inspired by something deeper" - the writer, Eckhart Tolle was speaking about his space everyday to write... I translated that as the space everyday to create...if you find this space, this energy field that you know is right, you will be inspired to create and the art will be born. It can be as simple as focusing on something of nature and seeing the beauty and wonder in it. This past weekend - I had two such instances where my focus was on a wasp and a grasshopper that has somehow managed to make it into the house - I was able to view them up close get them on a sheet of paper and then release them to the outside - those moments took me away from the stress that was occuring elsewhere this weekend.

At the same moment that I see how this related to my art... it also related to me for my corporate job... and me as a person. For my corporate job - it was the wonder that I was part of this event, this moment in time, sharing thoughts and ideas digitally, over the internet, with 750,000 others - a collective consciencousness...the same that I had just shared with 12 individuals regarding our art and goals for our art.

I could use this knowledge to see the world of communication. That thoughts can transend borders and technology makes that happen.... and so does art. The last shot is where my computer screen froze as Oprah talked about the little gems that are contained in the book. The small but powerful thoughts. Messages from another realm - digital thoughts, digital images, voices over the phone, television and computer, doodles, a grasshopper, a wasp, and a book.

Are you aware of the aweness around you? WOW! It hit me, NOW!

Thanks Cheryl there was a reason you made me buy that book on June 11, 2006.
What I wrote on that date... , thank you Robert.

Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved