Monday, December 17, 2007

Thought from the city

I started my day out taking a picture of the skyline and the clouds & sun which reminded me of a thought bubble. Later on the same drive to my corporate job, I was at a stoplight and saw a homeless man in a wheelchair on the corner. It made me think about him, obviously the thoughts of him at the start of my day did not leave me when I traveled home. He was no longer on the corner where I saw him earlier that day. It inspired me to create this image from the pictures I took. The city of Houston thinking "Homeless in Houston for the Holidays". If you can give to the Homeless Shelter in your city...and maybe we will can change the thought regarding homeless in your city.

Star of Hope

Copyright 2007 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello William - Thanks for your support. Star of Hope, 100 years old this year, reaches out to about 1,000 homeless men, women and children EACH DAY. Continue to remind your readers that we need your help EVERYDAY - not just holidays. Thanks for being there.

Scott Arthur
Director, Public Relations
Star of hope