Monday, August 25, 2008

The Vision

Tonight I watched the DNC on PBS and am reminded of the reasons why I am a Democrat.

Listening to the narrative of the speakers I am moved, I am empowered, and I can exercise that with my vote - which will be for Barack Obama.

What is vision, but seeing hope and new frontiers, and being able to point others toward that vision, to make each person feel that they can contribute to the success of that vision.

This artwork symbolizes vision. What do you see?

Copyright 2008 William H Miller All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

I watched it also and blogged today, about humanity and just talking more hope than fear! you rock as always, even from this far away!

Anonymous said...

What I see in the artwork is of Jim's favorite drink the chocolate cow.

Michelle Obama made me cry, Hillary made me smile. These last two days, I have been indescribably proud to be black and a woman living in the U.S. today.