Thursday, September 22, 2005

Eye on the prize

Today reminded me that no matter what the adversity you may face you need to keep your eye on your goal. Today with Hurricane Rita looming, changing paths, Gas Lines, mass exodus of the Texas coast, cancelled plans --- "I was asked how was my art going?" When you are in the middle of things you sometimes forget what your goal is...well mine is my art. I am planning to use this time to create some art...I have many projects that I need to work on - a wreath for DIFFA, a painting for the PEACE art show, a company logo for a friend, and getting my portfolio ready to send to galleries.

This piece was created quite by accident, I had been to my friend, Jim's home for dinner with Karen and Armando. I saw my camera sitting there and realized that I hadn't taken any pictures today, so I grabbed it and took a picture of Armando who was sitting in front of a painting that Jim had created. At first he made a funny face, but then I noticed the eye in the painting, I told Armando to look at me and not make a funny face --- I used that picture to create this image. Unlike the real photo the picture in the back is that of a woman (not a bearded woman), but I liked how it created the look of a beard to match Armando's goatee. I tried to used outlines much the way Jim uses Tulip brand puff paint to outline his images. I focused on the eyes.

Copyright 2005 William H. Miller All Rights Reserved

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