Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Hello To Barbara

This image I created today after seeing the movie "Happy Endings". I have held on to this photo which now I have collaged and enhanced with color. This is a homeless woman named Barbara that frequented the street around 14th Street when I lived in the dorms of Parsons School of Design in the early 1980s. She was ever so grateful for a dollar or a cup of coffee. Looking back she somehow gave me comfort in seeing her in my daily passings. Never really knew much about her, never tried to help her change her condition, somehow she still exuded happiness through her rampant mubblings. But much like a fresh bouquet of flowers I combined her with, seeing her brought something fresh to my life. I remember hearing the story & song from Bette Midler about the "Fried Eggs" & "Hello In There" - "Some people wear them on the outside, Some people wear them on the inside" - "Old people just grow lonesome waiting for someone to say, hello in there" - I wonder if I had said hello and actually talked to Barbara what wisdom she would have passed on to me. Maybe that is why I continue to hold onto the xerox'd copy of a photo of her - to have her continue to be present in my life as a reminder. My heart needs to reach out more to those individuals that pass through my life, stop and take the time to care, and to love them just the way they are.

So Hello Out There...

Copyright 2005 William H. Miller All Rights Reserved

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