Saturday, December 30, 2006

Unpacking at 1820

Today was a day of progress in the endless unpacking.

These two pictures are of the living room. Things to notice - the new TV stand (Thanks to Friends who gave me IKEA gift cards), the tradition of baby crawling on the floor (John-John is his name in case you wondered).
From this angle you can see the drafting table in the bay window area, it gets really good light and I will be excited to work there. Also notice my Jim Frederick sculpture from the Humanity Show.
Now you have still alot of work to do in the rest of the house. This is the bedroom, with way too many clothes - so a trip to the Salvation army will be in order.
This is a view from the room that is next to the livingroom and looks into the office. You can see my computer is working! and lots of paintings lined up.

The you have "The Gallery" room which had all 330 boxes of "stuff" - I am making a dent in the boxes and have already cleared out 60 boxes.

The landlord was my cable working, the kitchen floor tiling finished, and hopefully on Jan 2nd my dryer will be hooked up (needs new plug) and my lan line phone will have dial tone.

Copyright 2006 William H Miller All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks like the new place is coming right along. I am proud of you for getting to work on putting up things instead of procrastinating. It always feels so good to finish unpacking. Yeah for getting rid of clothes that I assume are to big for you! I missed you last night. The good news is no one had diarrhea!!!!