Sunday, January 08, 2006

Note to a friend...

"Believe, Achieve
Doubt, You're Out"

I thought this bared repeating, it was a quote my mother clipped from the newspaper by anonymous. She gave this to me as I set off to NYC for college. It is very important to listen to yourself, but just as important to believe in yourself. Sometimes we get set backs to learn from. They are something we can handle, because when we need it most somehow the Universe provides the answer. It is important to be in tune with that and not let things that bother us, take us off point, or off track. Easier said then done - but when put into practice when the times are tough - something clicks that is supposed to.

Today was a day of getting back on track. Cleaning, Laundry, Organizing, and keeping in touch with my friends and family. Centering myself - so that this crazy goodness that is coming my way will be appreciated and never taken for granted.

O.K. Jim you can sleep now....Something my mediation tape says every night is the "time is now" let go of all the good things that happened today and let go of all the bad things that happened today - you only have this moment....Deep breaths and concentrate on your dreams and they will start to come true tomorrow...Remember to focus on your goals... And as you say Dream Big...Dare to Fail...And you will succeed in ways you have not planned. I think you need to add that last part to your saying. Positive Attitudes Change Everything.

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