Saturday, April 01, 2006

It takes ENERGY to create ENERGY


I was told by a good friend, Eric Eldridge, once that it takes energy to make energy.

I had energy running around today, then visiting quickly with friends Tim, Rob, Ann, Laura, Steve, and Tim's ex-wife and his sister-in-law for Happy Hour. Also ran into a new friend Robert, who I met through Jim.

The energy was in full force today at Jim Frederick's Humanity show. First the energy of his art, then the energy of his sculpture, and then add Robert's words to that mix -BOOM! and then the people showed up and added even more energy -- it radiated! IT WAS HOT (in more ways then one) Lots of great people - artists, collectors, friends, family, musicians, poets, sculptors, models; all ages, sizes, races, religions, about 100 people showed up. Over 80 people participated in the live art project where we took polariods of people's faces and body parts and created a form similar to that of the "pod" people in Jim's work.

The energy was so great, than when I came home I could not sleep even though it is 1:30am. So I created the above digital painting in Canvas Painter 9.

Copyright 2006 William H Miller All Rights Reserved.

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