Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dear Jim - This Blogs For You

It was a cool evening when they met at Starbucks for the Weekly meeting of First Friends. Even though we had a quorum in case of voting we missed two key individuals (with voting priviledges) - Jim and Karen. Both are probably very tired (one from Statistics, the other from being one), they are similar in many ways (One is black on the outside, white on the inside, the other one (wore pearls) White on the outside, Black on the inside). Burt would say that you need to read between the lines. Topics of discussion at this weeks meeting - Armando's voice still sounds worst than Jim's voice, so why is he getting all the attention...resolution of this will be tabled until next week, as Armando tries out for the Dallas Summer Musical's revival of Hairspray (planning to play the part made famous by Harvey Weinstein). Next item - Burt's Picnic Basket, how big is it and what special surprise is inside waiting for his new found love - Timmer. We could go on and on and on showing pictures, poems and pressed flowers but that is a whole nother blog! Right Oprah? Details to follow tomorrow after the big surprise is revealed, but I have the inside scoop - so read it between the lines here first! Next Topic, If I Were A Tree? I would be.... the answers are as follows - Billy - A Birch - White & Flaky, Burt - A Palm, from the beautiful island of the Phillipines (wave arm gesture as appropraite), Armando - Aspen (Burt and I agree he is more Japanese Maple), then we voted on those who were not present, Karen - A Black Walnut (hello pointing out the obivious, and no Armando that is not a dead tree), and Jim - A weeping willow (with one T cell)...A tay in thy win!... (see Nell if you did not get that one.) Next topic new words...dicstraction, dicktation, buttstraction, a new fun way to pass the time at Starbucks, Alkeelah and her bee would be proud. Next Topic - Cliff's middle name is Dick, ok it is actually Richard, what a sense of humor his parents had - Cliff Richard Poore... Cliff Rich or Poor?. Also discussed June 24th, 2007 - is it the Poore-Rivera Wedding or the Rivera-Poore Wedding? Well that is about all we had to discuss, although Armando is distraut over Crock Hunter's death, Burt is watching Rosie on the view, Armando thinks Billy really does not have a job and pretends to flight away and is secretly staying away from his friends. Finally when asked about thoughts of Jim - these comments were collected by the reporter extraordinaire (Moi) - He is KranKy when he's sick (DOUBLE K!Y! Kranky); ONE singular sensational T Cell, Billy need to Blog Blog Blog Blah Blah Blah or he'll go Krazy, He was too sick for starbucks (that's not well), His Mom's In Town so he'll get better quick! (Nothing Like a Little Mother Loving! - Don't go there Burt!, Jim!, Armando), and finally Jim is Loved. We love you, Jim - get better soon - more fun blogs to come - Read Between The Lines all you want and we will laugh about it.



Anonymous said...

thanks you guys

Anonymous said...

WOW! You take great 'dic'tation!
Love it!

-Princess B

Anonymous said...

I simply can not believe that you did not, even for a moment, talk about how freaking awesome Janelle is and how cool it is that she is still kicking butt and taking names on BIG BROTHER! I mean not EVERYTHING has to be about Jim!